
Why, Hello! Thanks for coming! This blog represents mainly my attempt to get better at the game of Chess, certainly not an easy thing to do whilst raising 2 active boys and working a full time job.

Here and there I will also blog about other things: such as Parenting Issues, Medicine (I’m a Family Physician by training) and Life. I happen to be a rather avid moviegoer, who knows I may decide to blog once in a while about movies (or Books!) which I would recommend watching. 

Chess-wise, my dream goal is to obtain any chess master title by 2030, after which I will gladly ‘retire’ from chess. However, those who play chess know that one never leaves the game of chess once you have been bitten by the bug…=p 

A little about me: I first learnt the rules of chess when I was six years old after being taught by my Dad. I only became a little bit more interested after reading my first chess book when I was around 12-13 years old. I started getting serious about the game in my early twenties, even starting a chess club in my university days back in Ireland.  These days, I  play online, mainly due to time limitations. 

I hope this humble blog will be informative (chess-wise and life-wise) and entertaining to you, Dear Reader.