A most acccurate game. 95% and 96% accuracy from both players.

I played a good game of chess last night.

Both my opponent and I slugged in out in a 49 move draw. Neither of us had clear winning chances. I had prepared a surprise in the Morris countergambit but my opponent responded well OTB.

Ah well, what can you do? Sometimes a draw is a just result.

Here’s the game. Enjoy

2 Chess Games Dedicated to my Boys

The following 2 chess games were played around the time my children were born. They hold a special place in my heart. My first son was born in 2015. What a year that was. Singapore (the country I’m from) had just celebrated its 50th Year of Independence. Here is the game played in the hospital right the day before my son was born.

Feed Me Daddy

My wife gave birth to my second son in the year of 2017. Around this time I had played a fantastic game with the White pieces using the Tromposky as White. I decided that this was a fitting game to dedicate to him.

And Then There Were 2

A hard fought draw

Chess is Tough

I played this hard fought game recently in the lichess 45|45 league.

I do recommend that any serious adult chess improver play at least 1 game at slow time controls a week to improve their chess. It has done wonders for me.

Here’s the game.

My most recent loss

A most recent game I played in. I lost through a horrific blunder.