

Finally! No more post graduate medical exams!

I can finally concentrate a little more on chess.

Guess what? I’ve decided to sign up for the National Qualifiers in my country just to try my hand at seeing whether I can qualify to play for the National Championship.

I’ve come to a point in my chess journey to recognise that ELO is a reflection of your chess strength. If you’re strong, you’re strong. Whether you play kids/adults, it doesn’t matter.

Chess is chess. I think on any day, even an amateur can scalp a GM.

For my chess training during this period, I”m going to basically focus on mainly middle/endgames and concentrate on solidifying my opening lines adding a mixture of variety here and there just to keep my opponents guessing.

My chess training plan is simple:

  1. to keep things fun and engaging
  2. to keep things simple
  3. to keep at it (consistent)